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• You are my spirit, you are my being, you are mi unity. • All of thy body, thy soul and thy spirit are filled with my creation, because thou art the great work of art from my hands. • Join then thy hands with mine and in a prayer of silence and you will feel the presence of thy father in the love with Beni Elohim (children of God). • You will lnow that there is only one creator, that is both father and mother because he has engendered and conceived you. • Without me there is no life, without me there is no way, without me, there is no truth, because I am the life, I am the way and the truth, because the Beni Elohim carry my signs in all his body, soul and spirit, and as the universe, thou are full of my signs, so I say unto you, I am the great sign. • I have come so that this time thy eyes not only see the flesh but the flesh that is light and to insure that Elohim has the word of God and that he fulfils it. • It was said unto you that in the last times thy eyes would see signs, others would sound those signs, while others would hear these signs. So it is and shall be, that the return of Elohim, thou will feel in thy hearts without fear because thou will have recognized the presence of thy father, thy spirit in one joy and happiness and will shout, God the Father, God the Son on earth, because we are one and so it is written. • Thou art the door of the world. I say to you that I am the door to the heavens and I will open it to my children because we are one and you will come unto me. • Because I have come to sing a new song, my voice with thy voices and in spite of what thou are passing in these days of tribulation; in the new order which are the same new heavens, will be seen by thy eyes of light, because so I have promised you and Elohim fulfils his promises. I was the first and I will be with the last, I will heal thy wounds and I will dry thy tears because thou art my children. • I have come to break the prisons of the soul and of the spirit because I am the freedom of my children, I have come to open thy blind eyes to my light so that you can see and feel that it is the only true light and will rejoice in seeing it. I have come to make you walk because thy feet have been walking erroneously in a way that is not mine and I will teach you and you will walk it together with me. • I have come so that my holy blood be thy sacred grail, in thy bodies, so that the mysteries on earth that are not mysteries in the heavens be revealed to thy eyes and understanding. • Because thou have strong fingers and powerful steady hands, thou are the muscles and tendons of my powerful arm, because thou are the retina of my eyes, when they look for you full of love, justice and mercy. • Because I am the only one that can transform thy heart of flesh to heart of light, these are the good news I bring you. • I am the new love, the new justice, the new mercy, all will come to me because so it is written even before this generation was born, the son looks for his father. • Thou are the messiah in thy lives because thou art my chosen ones and I give thee the blessing of my Holy Spirit. • I am the great silence and thou art the silence. The day has come when the heavens have joined with the earth because I am here among you, because it is no longer time to preach, as it was done for two thousand times, no, now is the time to reap what is ripe and I have come to reap together with those called angels which are also thy brothers and Beni Elohim. • I am the father of the sons and the son among the sons. I am the all powerful Elohim who comes to plant new seeds of light. • Thou art the sons of my love and justice, of my mercy and my truth and I have come to look for you to give you the eternal peace and harmony you so much desire. • The good news are that I am with you, the great face of all faces. • I give thee my blessing saying to thee and I have covered long and short roads to come to see you, although I have always been with you, but now that I am among you, my heart beats in unison with thine and when you read these good news, thy heart will feel that it has born again. So I have written and this is my saying. Love to the Beni Elohim. • Elohim Hadonai Gebor Yeshua el Gebor
Cooli HP, be scho imer gäge d chile gsi, en verdammti scheiss organisation, wei nur gäud abzocke, usrüüchere das saupack
Mike <> (25.08.2003)
hallo.werde es mir auch überlegen, ob ich der kirche meinen hintern zeigen werde.lieben gruess und weiter so.michi
michi <> (17.08.2003)

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(c) Gegen die menschenverachtende, diskriminierende katholische Kirche und den Vatikan - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 14.08.2003